Do more of what makes you healthy (and happiness will follow).

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
People who don't see the problem are often a part of it.
Zerosophy (Main)
Take a moment to consider all that stuff you've bought over the years because of all the cool features that
Zerosophy (Main)
There's a huge difference between having a healthy attitude and being blindly optimistic. A healthy attitude allows a person to
Zerosophy (Main)
Time is one of the most valuable resources in existence. If you find yourself with more time than usual, you
Zerosophy (Main)
It should go without saying, but if your gym closed & you want to stay in shape, it's important to
Zerosophy (Main)
"He who buys what he does not need steals from himself." -- Swedish proverb We are in/bordering on a global
Zerosophy (Main)
The current state of the world is a notable reminder of how quickly life as we know it can change.
Zerosophy (Main)
Guard your state of mind. Learn to recognize when negative events and the negative attitudes of others are having an
Zerosophy (Main)
Yes, times are tough. But it's also a time full of amazing opportunities. If you find yourself with "free time",
Zerosophy (Main)
Adopting a mental attitude capable of dealing with necessary changes in a positive way is far more productive than making
Zerosophy (Main)
Better to live with your eyes open and acknowledge what you can't control — while directing your attention to what
Zerosophy (Main)
A tsunami survivor is on the beach. They see the ocean recede into the distance and realize what it means.

No ads • No sponsors • No seminars • No “secrets to success” • No mystical motivation • No insincere enthusiasm • No superficial ego-boosting posts • No manipulative marketing tactics • No emphasis on materialism over happiness • No desire to imitate anyone or conform to the status quo • No insistent requests to subscribe to blog or follow on social media • No hidden agenda • No one to impress. • No hypocrisy — I live in congruence with the lessons I share. Love it or hate it. Content is written to be helpful and meaningful, not perfect or popular or designed for likes.