Healthy habits harbor happiness.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
People have a nasty tendency to live with problems that they don’t take the time to define. It’s almost as
Zerosophy (Main)
Can you recall ever witnessing someone getting help or encouragement when they didn't expect it? Can you picture the recipient's
Zerosophy (Main)
Sitting in my car eating lunch. Windows are open. Older man in a car next to mine is on a
Zerosophy (Main)
No matter what you do or what you create, it is almost inevitable that someone somewhere won't like it —
Zerosophy (Main)
People are often quick to project negative energy towards things they don't like. Flipping a finger, getting angry, or tapping
Zerosophy (Main)
Excerpt from: Not taking serious things seriously (March 12) People often don't take things seriously until they suffer consequences of
Zerosophy (Main)
Refuse to let others' lack of empathy, kindness & compassion rob you of yours. Maintain your integrity by refusing to
Zerosophy (Main)
Your preferences are just that, *your* preferences. They are not a universal standard. Variety & options are a good thing.
Zerosophy (Main)
There's still a place for decency. For kindness. For respect and tolerance. There's still a place for integrity and generosity.
Zerosophy (Main)
How often do the negative & disrespectful things that people say make you change your view? If you don't communicate
Zerosophy (Main)
You have the right to use your brain. You have the right to do research. You have the right to
Zerosophy (Main)
Never let someone make you feel small with regard to what you are passionate about or the sensible sacrifices you

No ads • No sponsors • No seminars • No “secrets to success” • No mystical motivation • No insincere enthusiasm • No superficial ego-boosting posts • No manipulative marketing tactics • No emphasis on materialism over happiness • No desire to imitate anyone or conform to the status quo • No insistent requests to subscribe to blog or follow on social media • No hidden agenda • No one to impress. • No hypocrisy — I live in congruence with the lessons I share. Love it or hate it. Content is written to be helpful and meaningful, not perfect or popular or designed for likes.